
Installation and Update

Install EasyView – Installation and Updates

How to install:   

  1. Download the installation file for EasyView by filling out the form and you will recieve a download link to your email.
  2. Run the installation file by double-clicking on it.
  3. Read and accept the license agreement.
  4. Click on “Install” and proceed through the installation process.
  5. Once the installation is complete, you can start EasyView by clicking on the shortcut on your desktop.
  6. To activate the license, click on "About EasyView." Follow this guide for more information on activation.

Note that the installation does not automatically replace an older version. Administrator rights might be neccesary.

Check if your hardware need drivers as these are not always installed automatically.

When installed without a license the program is in Reader mode to allow viewing files. 


Intab recommends updating to the latest version. To manually check for updates, go to the program's home page and click on “Check for updates.”

The program will display your current version and indicate if an update is available. The link will allow you to download the latest version of EasyView.

If you click on the “Click here to download...” link, the file will be downloaded by your web browser and saved in your Downloads folder. The file name in the example above would be EasyView13_0_2_14.exe. Navigate to the Downloads Files folder, and double-click on the file to initiate the update process.